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3 Effective Tips for Clearing Your Land

Custom AG

Land is one of the most valuable natural assets that you can use for many things.

You can build residential or commercial property on land or use it for agricultural purposes.

Not everyone has access to excess land, but those who do know just how difficult it can be to clear a large parcel of land. Imagine acquiring sizable landed property, only to realize that you can’t use it yet because it’s covered in large swathes of green, bush, and thicket.

You can’t get anything done yet, at least until you clear it. In this article, you’ll learn some key tips regarding how you can effectively and efficiently clear the land and ready it for the purpose you have in mind.

Get the required permit

Before you begin the physical land-clearing proper, you have to make sure that you have the necessary government approval. For this, you’ll have to reach out to your local government office.

This is a crucial aspect of the land clearing activity, especially if you’ve obtained a large piece of land for a considerably-sized project. Some states may have legislation regarding wood disposal and tree removal. So, you want to ensure that you aren’t breaking any laws when clearing the land.

If you fail to do this, you may have to pay heavy fines along the way if it’s discovered that you’ve fallen afoul of government regulation.

Another reason why you have to get a permit is that the land might have water, sewer, or gas pipes that must be noted and avoided. Also, land clearing may cause environmental problems, so it’s essential to do the required paperwork and get the necessary approvals before starting.

Clean up and properly dispose of waste

After you’ve done the required uprooting and cutting of the trees, the next step is to remove wood, structural fragments, and pulled weeds. And, you have to dispose of them carefully.

Wood is a great resource, and you can store it up for use or sell it if your permit permits. As for the structural fragments, you’ll have to dispose of them adequately. Meanwhile, you should note the items that can be reused and store them while throwing away redundant items into large dumpsters.

Use adequate equipment for land-clearing

There are several different types of land-clearing machinery that you can use to make the task easier.

The right-hand tools provide you with efficiency and safety, so you can get the job done quickly without injuring yourself inadvertently.

Wearing safety goggles and gloves is quite efficient. And, if you’re using high-powered machinery, you can use ear plugs to protect your hearing.

Shrubs, small trees, and bushes can be removed with hand saws, shovels, loppers, and pruners. You can also use rakes, hoes, and pickaxes to remove roots and rocks.

Bulldozers and excavators are far more efficient, though, and can help you clear large portions of the land in next to no time. But, not everyone will buy a bulldozer or excavator for one-time use.

This is where you need professional land clearing services to save you time and provide the required expertise to get the job done.

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